Is hercules a demigod
Is hercules a demigod

is hercules a demigod

Deianara thinking that Hercules wants his best tunic to look good for a lady takes Nessus' blood and paints it on the tunic. One day while Hercules is away at war, he won a great victory and sent a messenger for his best tunic to celebrate.

is hercules a demigod

Deianeira takes the blood thinking of the many ladies that would like to steal her husband. Thinking of revenge, Nessus tells Deianeira to take a couple of drops of his blood if she thinks that Hercules' love will ever fade for her. Angry, Hercules shoots him with his arrows dipped in the poisonous blood of the Lernaean Hydra. However, Nessus is true to the archetype of the mischievous centaur and tries to steal Deianara away while Hercules is still in the water. The centaur Nessus offers to carry Deianeira across a fast flowing river while Hercules swims it. Late in life, Hercules took Deianara as his wife. At some point he aided the gods during the first Gigantomachy since a demigod was needed to kill the giants. His famous Twelve Labors came about as punishment to purify him of this deed.Īside from the Twelve Labors, Hercules had many other adventures and during that time loved many women fathering many children. Hercules's feud with Hera continued throughout his life, but reached an apex when she drove him to madness kill his own family. When Laomedon refused to pay him, Hercules returned years later to take revenge by sacking the city and nearly wiping out Laomedon's entire family. One such instance was when he killed a sea monster for King Laomedon of Troy in exchange for magical horses. If wronged he would often take revenge even if years had passed. He would be punished by being made a slave for a number of years or exiled from the city, but he always willingly submitted to punishment. Hercules often had problems controlling his temper and great strength. At one point Hercules was offered a choice between a life of hardship and glory or a life of ease and comfort. This was probably the reason as there are no other known myths that involve superhuman strength in any other of the children of The Big Three, Percy holding up the sky does not count because he did that due to his pure heart (as explained by Poseidon ).Įventually, Hercules was sent to train with Chiron. In one story, Hera was tricked into suckling a young Hercules which is where most of his great strength came from and he bit so hard that when she pulled him away, the milk created the Milky Way. Shortly after she sent snakes to kill him, but he strangled them with his bare hands. Zeus boasted the next of the line of Perseus would be king of all of Mycenae so Hera delayed Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, from Hercules being born until after Eurystheus was. Hercules' life was always beset with danger.

Is hercules a demigod